Emergency Info
Occasionally a portion of the orthodontic appliance may break or otherwise cause some discomfort. If this occurs, the patient should contact our office for instructions. If necessary, the patient will be given an immediate appointment, but we ask that the patient call before coming to the office in order that we can prepare our schedule accordingly. There is seldom an emergency in orthodontic therapy, but if the patient is suffering significant discomfort, Dr. Serino can be contacted through the answering service at (410) 819-5356 should you have a true after hours' emergency.
Regular Dental Care
We ask that each patient maintain continued regular dental examinations with their dentist throughout their treatment in our office. This allows each family dentist to keep abreast of his or her patient's progress and adds continuity to the treatment the family dentist will need to render in the future.
If a spacer should fall out, this is not an emergency. Call the office the next business day, and we will make arrangements to have if replaced. It is important if a spacer does come out after the first few days of placement to have it replaced. Typically, if it comes out the night before your banding visit, it is not a concern. If a spacer is out more than 48 hours, then it can cause a problem fitting the bands.
Orthodontic Wax
Most emergencies can be managed simply with orthodontic wax!
Place over the area on the braces that is irritating. The wax will fall away if wet and it will not stick, so use a generous amount of wax and lock under the brace.
Common Emergencies and Solutions
1. Poking wire
2. Brace rubbing
3. Spacer out
4. Bracket loose or off
5. Band loose
6. Elastic color tie off
7. Mild to moderate discomfort
8. Mouth ulcer
9. Expander Appliance out-of-mouth
10. Severe pain or significant swelling
11. Trauma
1. Apply wax
2. Apply wax
3. See spacer section
4. Non-emergency/call office next business day
5. Non-emergency/call office next business day
6. No need to contact office-can address at next appointment.
7. Advil or Tylenol as directed
8. Cover irritant with wax and warm salt water rinses
9. Contact office within 24 hours (Important)
10. Contact office or Dr. Serino directly
11. Contact office or Dr. Serino directly